We set out from home to Wilson Street for the first section of our summer session of walking the full length of Seattle’s Lucile Street.

Our first stretch was about half a mile long starting from South Wilson Street and ending at S Rainier. We walked the length of the street and back.

We noticed how the synagogue on Wilson divides our block of Lucile with the other Lucile across Wilson. Once across Wilson, it was a peaceful walk down Lucile to Rainier Ave. This segment is very leafy and green with lots of flowering gardens from one end to the other.
Most homes appear to be 20 to 50 years old. It always surprises me to see a newish home with a neglected yard – knowing how much the homes are worth. About half the homes had maintained gardens – the age of the home didn’t seem to correlate with how well the streetscape was maintained.
The Hillman P-Patch is a treasure – an oasis – seemingly well situated for everyone living on this segment of Lucile. It has a huge Willow tree on one end that we rested under for a few minutes for a snack.
To document our walk, we made notes, took pictures, recorded a sound sample, sketched drawings, and gathered material samples. Below is are collections of the images

Date of walk: Thursday, July 7th, 2022
Start time: 10:10
End time: 11:36
Partly cloudy, 77℉

Max elevation: 236ft
Min elevation: 157ft